Young And Mad Exhibition : Isabelle Lenfant
24 october 2016 15:33

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Young And Mad Exhibition : Isabelle Lenfant x Jean-Paul Lespagnard
24 october 2016 15:25

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Isabelle Lenfant x Jean-Paul Lespagnard avec Coralie clément - photo: Ganaëlle Glume
24 october 2016 15:24

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Young And Mad Exhibition : Isabelle Lenfant x Jean-Paul Lespagnard: In
24 october 2016 15:22
Classified in : News, Press, Exhibitions - Tags :, la dernière heure, Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Young And Mad Exhibition : Isabelle Lenfant x Jean-Paul Lespagnard : In
24 october 2016 15:22
Classified in : News, Press, Exhibitions - Tags :, Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Young And Mad Exhibition : Isabelle Lenfant x Jean-Paul Lespagnard: In La
24 october 2016 15:21
Classified in : News, Press, Exhibitions - Tags : La, Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace, Coralie clément, Ganaelle glume -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers - Production : Isabelle Lenfant
24 october 2016 14:22

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle Lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers
24 october 2016 14:10

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers
24 october 2016 14:08

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers
24 october 2016 14:08

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Psychologies magazine
24 october 2016 14:06

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle Lenfant, Le square, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers
24 october 2016 14:06

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Psychologies magazine
24 october 2016 14:03

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle Lenfant, square, Young And Mad, Isabelle Lenfant, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Coralie Clément, coralie biolay, Capsule, collaboration, Jewelry, Ecouteur, silver, music, earphones, l'écoute, necklace -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Sponsors
24 october 2016 14:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Square Brussels meeting centre, Perfexpo, La fabrique 22 a, The living room, BXL Ville, Fact Group, BSC group BE, Femmes Fatales, Exhibition, Jurgen Rogiers, isabelle Lenfant -
Je m'Expose for " Femmes fatales"exhibition to support bIG against breast cancer
24 october 2016 14:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Tattoes, Band Aid, plaster, sparadrap, Perfectly imperfectif, BIG against Breast cancer, Le professeur Piccart, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Je m'Expose for " Femmes fatales"exhibition to support bIG against breast cancer
24 october 2016 14:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Tattoes, Band Aid, plaster, sparadrap, Perfectly imperfectif, BIG against Breast cancer, Le professeur Piccart, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Je m'Expose for " Femmes fatales"exhibition to support bIG against breast cancer
24 october 2016 14:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Tattoes, Band Aid, plaster, sparadrap, Perfectly imperfectif, BIG against Breast cancer, Le professeur Piccart, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers: In Victoire / Le Soir
24 october 2016 14:02

Classified in : Press, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Victoire, magazine, Le Soir, Amandine maziers, Isabelle lenfant, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers: la libre essentielle
24 october 2016 14:01

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : La libre essentielle, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : in Mon
24 october 2016 14:00
Classified in : News, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : mon, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers :
24 october 2016 13:29
Classified in : Press, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant,, Elisabeth Clauss, ELLE, Belgique, magazine, Béa ercolini, , Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Tattoes for BIG against Breast Cancer
24 october 2016 13:22

Classified in : News, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : IsabellTattoes, Band Aid, planter, sparadrap, Perfectly imperfectif, BIG against Breast cancer, Le professeur Piccart, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Le Vif L'Express
24 october 2016 13:14

Classified in : Press, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Le Vif L'Express, Weekend Le Vif, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : La
24 october 2016 13:03
Classified in : News, Press, Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, La, La libre belgique, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : ELLE Belgique
24 october 2016 12:35

Classified in : Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, ELLE, Belgique, magazine, Béa ercolini, , Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Psychologies magazine
24 october 2016 12:18

Classified in : Exhibitions, Uncategorized - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Christiane Thiry, Psychologies magazine, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Exhibition " FEMMES FATALES" by Jurgen Rogiers : Psychologies magazine
24 october 2016 12:15

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, Christiane Thiry, Psychologies magazine, Femmes Fatales, le cancer et alors ?, je m'expose, Isabelle l'enfant, production, Jurgen rosiers, photographie, cancer, cancer du sein -
Isabelle Lenfant for JEANPAULKNOTT : Le Déchainement-Ho ring for Man
12 february 2016 10:53

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL, by, Isabelle Lenfant, jewelry, Jean-Paul Knott, capsule, collaboration, ring, le déchainement, silver 925, for man, jurgen rogiers, photography -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT: L'Union Libre-ho bracelet
08 february 2016 12:35

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewelry, capsule, Jean-Paul Knott, Bracelet, Diamond cut curb chain, silver, for man, for woman -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:51

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present-jurgen Rogiers - photography -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:46

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:46

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains-christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:44

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present - jurgen Rogiers - photography -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:44

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:41

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present - jurgen rogiers - photography -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:40

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:37

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
10 december 2015 09:33

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains- Diamond Cut Curb Chain -christmas -gift-present -
IL by Isabelle Lenfant jewelry for JEANPAULKNOTT
09 december 2015 21:17

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewelry-Jean-Paul Knott- collaboration-ring-L'enchainement-chains-christmas -gift-present -
Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre"
24 february 2014 12:45
Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre" - Villa Empain - Fondation Boghossian : Livre/sculpture "Ne prenez pas vos désirs pour des banalités: Isabelle Lenfant - Collection privée de Mme Galila Hollander-Barzilai - Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian -
Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre"
24 february 2014 12:33
Du 01/03/2014 au 07/09/2014
Villa Empain (Fondation Boghossian)
Objets choisis dans la collection personnelle d'Art
contemporain de Mme Galila Hollander-Barzilai -
avec Le Livre / Sculpture " Ne prends pas tes désirs pour
des banalités" d'Isabelle Lenfant
Villa Empain (Fondation Boghossian)
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 67 in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Exposition -
Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre"
24 february 2014 12:32

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre" - Villa Empain - Fondation Boghossian : Livre/sculpture "Ne prenez pas vos désirs pour des banalités: Isabelle Lenfant - Collection privée de Mme Galila Hollander-Barzilai - Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian -
Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre"
24 february 2014 12:32

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre" - Villa Empain - Fondation Boghossian : Livre/sculpture "Ne prenez pas vos désirs pour des banalités: Isabelle Lenfant - Collection privée de Mme Galila Hollander-Barzilai - Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian -
Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre"
24 february 2014 12:31

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre" - Villa Empain - Fondation Boghossian : Livre/sculpture "Ne prenez pas vos désirs pour des banalités: Isabelle Lenfant - Collection privée de Mme Galila Hollander-Barzilai - Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian -
Exhibition "Dress Code" in Hong-Kong
08 december 2013 09:59
Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Hong-Kong, exhibition, dress code, belgian creator, IL by Isabelle Lenfant Jewellery -
Exhibition at Eric Beauduin Store
14 november 2013 08:37

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant at Eric Beauduin store: New Collection -
Exhibition at Eric Beauduin Store
14 november 2013 08:28

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
Exhibition at Eric Beauduin Store: "ISABELLE" bag
14 november 2013 08:27

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
Exhibition at Eric Beauduin Store
14 november 2013 08:26
Discover the "ISABELLE" bag
The Fruit of the collaboration between Isabelle Lenfant & Eric Beauduin
Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
Exhibition at Eric Beauduin Store
14 november 2013 08:26

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, eric beauduin, jewels, new jewels, wedding -
19 december 2012 09:04

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, jewells, gonay, rue dansaert, band aid, silver, gold, christmas, present -
29 september 2012 13:42

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : L'union maakt macht-IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, Luc tuymans, Marie arena, marie daulne, marie warnant, luc Tuymans, Wim Vandekeybus, Sigrid decorte, jan decorte, Delphine Boël, Elodie Ouedraogo, daan stuyven, Lio, Peter Van den Eede, Barbara Sarafian -
29 september 2012 13:41
Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
MORSURE SECRETE II necklace - Belgian Flag's Color
29 september 2012 13:41

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 13:40

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 13:40

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Delphine Boël, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, Jewellery, Jurgen rogiers, photography, De morgen, L'union maakt macht, Exhibition, modo Brussels, Le secret pendant, La plume pendant, The envelope, The pen, The letter, pendant, Liaison necklace, chain necklace, silver -
29 september 2012 13:38

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Badges, Silver, Present, birthday, anniversary, wedding, engagement, dreaming, is, free, quotation, blondie, handmade engraving, belgian flag, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, l'Union maakt macht, exhibition, modo brussels, Jurgen rogiers, photographer, de morgen -
29 september 2012 13:37

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Daan, daan stuyven, dead man ray, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, L'union maakt macht, Jurgen rogiers, photographer, de morgen, V.I.P. bracelet, Passeport nocturne bracelet, silver 925, Belgian singer, Belgium, modo brussels -
29 september 2012 13:36

Classified in : News, Exhibitions - Tags : Band aid, plaster, ring, Present, birthday, anniversary, wedding, engagement, silver, gold, precious stones, belgian flag, belgium, Modo brussels, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, Jewellery, ring, engagement, talisman, take care -
L'UNION MAAKT MACHT - Jacques duvall
29 september 2012 13:35

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Jacques Duvall, Lio, Bananasplit, L'union maakt macht, Belgium, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, Jurgen Rogiers, photography, Modo brussels, Bicycle, pendant, L'équilibre pendant, Key, La solution pendant, silver -
L'UNION MAAKT MACHT - Barbara Sarafian
29 september 2012 13:34

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Barbara sarafian, L'Union maakt macht, exhibition, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, Jurgen Rogiers, photography, de morgen, Le contre-temps pendant, pendant, watch, mechanism, chain necklace, silver, time, is, now -
L'ATTACHEMENT Pin's Belgian Flag's Color
29 september 2012 13:33

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, Present, birthday, anniversary, wedding, engagement, Belgian flag, Belgium, Band aid, plaster pin's, L'union maakt macht, exhibition, modo Brussels -
29 september 2012 13:31

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : L'union maakt macht-exhibition, Isabelle Lenfant, Jewellery, Jurgen Rogiers, Photography, de morgen, facetoface design, Marie Arena, Marie daulne, Marie warnant, Lio, Jacques Duvall, Wim Vandekeybus, Luc Tuymans, Sigrid Decorte, Jan decorte, Elodie Ouedraogo, Daan -
EXPOSITION chez DITO : Tabouret “Stool 60 - Dreaming is free” Isabelle Lenfant - Sold by auction at PIERRE BERGER
29 september 2012 11:53

Classified in : Homepage, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:37

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:36

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:35

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:34

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:33

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
29 september 2012 11:31

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
ELLE Belgïe
28 september 2012 14:04

Classified in : Press, Exhibitions - Tags : ELLE Belgïe-Luc Tuymans-Daan stuyven-Wim Vandekeybus-L'Union maakt macht-IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewellery-Photography-portrait-jurgen rogiers-Silver-V.I.P. bracelet-Band-aid-plaster-bracelet -
28 september 2012 13:57

Classified in : Press, Exhibitions - Tags : Exhibition-L'Union maakt macht-luc Tuymans-IL by Isabelle Lenfant-jewellery-photography Jurgen Rogiers-badges-silver-band-aid-plaster-pin's -
EXPOSITION chez DITO : Tabouret “Stool 60 - Dreaming is free” sold by auction at PIERRE BERGER- Isabelle Lenfant
28 september 2012 13:08

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Exhibition, dito, stool, stool 60, Isabelle Lenfant, Elvis Pompilio, Natalia Brilli, Pierre Berger, auction, dreaming, is, free, quotation -
EXHIBITION at DITO : Stool 60 customised by ISABELLE LENFANT "Dreaming is free” sold by auction at PIERRE BERGER - book printed
28 september 2012 13:06

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Pierre Berger, sold by auction, IL by Isabelle Lenfant, stool 60, dito, exhibition, customize, Elvis pompilio, A.F. vandevorst, dreaming, is, free, blondie, Natalia Brilli -
EXHIBITION at DITO : Stool 60 customised by ISABELLE LENFANT - Catalogue PIERRE BERGER
28 september 2012 13:05
Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : Isabelle lenfant, jewellery, dito, stool 60, customise, natalia brilli, elvis pompilio, a.F. vandevost, pierre berger, sold, by auction -
Exhibition at HOET: IL by Isabelle Lenfant & Jurgen Rogiers with Elodie Ouedraogo
28 september 2012 13:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle lenfant, jewellery, jewells, silver, gold, 18 carats, jurgen rogiers, elodie ouedraogo, exhibition, hoet, branch, tree, earring, present, valentine, christmas, birthday, special, broken mirrors, chess, pendants, setted, ring, occasion -
Exhibition at HOET: IL by Isabelle Lenfant & Jurgen Rogiers with Elodie Ouedraogo
28 september 2012 13:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle lenfant, jewellery, jewells, silver, gold, 18 carats, jurgen rogiers, elodie ouedraogo, exhibition, hoet, branch, tree, earring, present, valentine, christmas, birthday, special, broken mirrors, setted, ring, occasion -
Exhibition at HOET: IL by Isabelle Lenfant & Jurgen Rogiers with Elodie Ouedraogo
28 september 2012 13:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle lenfant, jewellery, jewells, silver, gold, 18 carats, jurgen rogiers, elodie ouedraogo, exhibition, hoet, branch, tree, earring, present, valentine, christmas, birthday, special, occasion -
Exhibition at HOET: IL by Isabelle Lenfant & Jurgen Rogiers
28 september 2012 13:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jurgen rogiers, de morgen, exhibition, hoet, elodie ouedraogo, jewellery, jewells, silver, gold -
Exhibition at HOET: IL by Isabelle Lenfant & Jurgen Rogiers
28 september 2012 13:02

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : IL by Isabelle Lenfant, jewellery, jewells, hoet, jurgen rogiers, de morgen, silver, gold, exhibition -
DIANE PERNET : Exhibition at HOET
28 september 2012 13:00

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:58

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:58
Classified in : Exhibitions, Video - Tags : Diane pernet, isabelle lenfant, cathy pill, modele: rose, christophe coppens, annemeie verbeeke, carine gilson, sandrina fasoli, jessie lecomte, didier vervaeren, brussels fashion favourite, New york, a shaded views of fashion, exhibition, interview -
28 september 2012 12:56

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:56

Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:55
Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:55
Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:55
Classified in : Press, Exhibitions - Tags : none -
28 september 2012 12:54
Classified in : Exhibitions - Tags : none -